Moira damage orb dmg
Moira damage orb dmg

This combined with high damage weapons can absolutely rekt. While Biotic Grasp gives Moira short-range options, her Biotic Orbs contribute longer-range, hands-off damage and healing she can also Fade to escape groups or remain close to allies in need of support. You don't even need elemental weapons since you always have a guaranteed slag, burn, shock and corrode at your fingertips. Moira’s biotic abilities enable her to contribute healing or damage in any crisis. Healing 4.7k 95th percentile (top 5) Coal. This build coupled with can actually be more powerful than the Pure Damage build if used right. Kills 7.95 90th percentile (top 10) Coal. The last 2 points you can put wherever you want. Combined with Converge from the Motion tree, you can easily kill within 4 seconds. But, if you take the 11 points (wasted in my opinion) and put them in the Cataclysm tree and get full-upgraded Reaper, Blight Phoenix and Ruin. I throw out nothing but healing orbs and still have gold elims and damage.

moira damage orb dmg

Suspension is only useful if you can't kill enemies in 4 seconds.

moira damage orb dmg

I find using heal orb for my team is much more effective.

#Moira damage orb dmg for free#

If there's a D.Va, she'll just eat it anyways, or if I'm tanking I'll soak up a Moira orb and let my supports heal me for free ult charge. You don't actually need Sub-Sequence or Sweet Release. I very rarely throw damage orb into the enemy team when I'm playing Moira. my friends almost never dropped to fight for your life and if they did I almost immediately Resed them, pretty easy build and a really good one for sure.

moira damage orb dmg

When i ran this build in coop it was effing masterful healer. on level 73 ( you need Commander Lilith for that) you can even fill your cataclysm tree up to Ruin and its pretty easy to solo everything. It found its way into Liyue through foreign traders. i justh thoughtlocked someone and waited few seconds to be fully healed, kill your locked one to gain sweet release for a little boost and wait for lock to find new enemy. An exotic weapon with an extremely long blade on the top and a crescent blade at the bottom. I found out that my best "tank"/healer build was when i went motion up to Thoughtlock and harmony up to Elated and Res with right class mod (legendary nurse or Merciful Angelic nurse).

Moira damage orb dmg